Wanna Get Into the Business?

Are you looking for a lucrative business opportunity in the rapidly growing energy-saving industry? Look no further than BDES, the leading provider of comprehensive solutions for VOC emission control in the petrochemical industry in China.

With a strong commitment to safety, energy conservation, and eco-friendly practices, BDES has established itself as the most prominent professional provider in the industry. Now, we are offering a unique franchise opportunity for ambitious individuals who want to join our successful team and capitalize on the growing demand for energy-saving solutions.

Why Choose BDES?
  • 01
    Established Reputation
    With over a decade of experience, BDES has built a stellar reputation in the industry. As a franchisee, you will benefit from the credibility and trust that comes with being associated with our established brand.
  • 02
    Cutting-Edge Technology
    BDES is at the forefront of storage tank technology. Our Innovative Floating Roof (IFR) design has revolutionized the industry, providing superior safety and efficiency. By joining us, you will have access to our state-of-the-art technology, giving you a competitive edge in the market.
  • 03
    Large Market Share
    With approximately 85% of the market share in China, BDES has a strong presence in the industry. As a franchisee, you will tap into this vast customer base, increasing your chances of success and profitability.
  • 04
    Successful Track Record
    BDES has completed over 500 projects and sold more than 4,000 sets of our IFR, demonstrating our ability to deliver results. As a franchisee, you will be part of a successful network that has a proven track record of customer satisfaction and project completion.
How to Join Us?
To become a franchisee with BDES, you need to meet our criteria
  • Strong business acumen and passion for the energy-saving industry
  • Willingness to adhere to BDES's brand standards and operating procedures
  • Sufficient financial resources to invest in the franchise
If you meet these requirements and are ready to take advantage of this exciting business opportunity, contact us today to learn more about becoming a BDES franchisee. Join us in making a significant impact in the oil and gas energy-saving industry while building a successful and profitable business.
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